Kindergarten Math, Counting and Building Bar Graphs – Fall Themed

Charts and graphs are both fun and informative scientific thinking tools for children. They offer children a way to present, understand and analyze information, and enable them to make predictions based on data.

Children do counting, comparing, matching, grouping and arrangement when they make graphics. The main data sources for graphs are children’s questions and problem situations.

In the preschool period, some comparisons from their life like 

number of brothers and sisters,

the color of hair, eyes, and clothes,

animal breeds owned,

the height of the children in the class, their shoe numbers,

the most popular TV shows,

favorite books,

the number of glasses to fill different containers with water or sand may be of interest to children.

When talking to children about graphics, measure/compare words such as less, more, least, longer, longest, shorter, shortest, same, none, all, some, many, higher, shorter are used. 

Skills expected to develop in children with graph and chart activities are:

1. Separating and classifying objects,

2. Creating graphics using real materials,

3. Creating graphics using object images,

4. Creating graphics using symbols,

5. Reading one-dimensional graphs,

6. Reading two-dimensional graphics,

7. Evaluating data on a situation or event.