Visual Perception, I Spy- Find and Count Worksheet #4

From the moment they are born, children look at their surroundings with curious eyes. Preschoolers, who are curious, inquisitive, imaginative, and open to exploration, try to discover and learn about the earth, the sky, stones, clouds, all living and nonliving things around them with great excitement. They wish to learn about every event that happens by asking questions or making experiments.

Science education in children begins in their natural environment. In every breath they take, in every game they play, in every new living thing they discover in nature they see science.

Children unconsciously make an effort to learn science subjects while they are running after a grasshopper, catching it and observing what it’s doing, following the clouds by closing one eye with their hand and trying to catch the raindrops. (Davies ve Howe, 2003; Lind, 2005; Mayesky, 2006).

We can summarize the key experiences children have in the preschool term as follows:  

Identify similarities and differences based on the properties of an object

Distinguish shapes

Sort and compare

Use an object in different ways

Keep multiple features in mind at once

Distinguish between “some” and “all”

Identify the class to which an object does not belong

The first four of these experiences are easier to observe in children; the other three begin to appear in bigger children and they are logical.

Our identifying objects worksheets strengthen children’s ability to accelerate their development in many active senses such as memory, hand skills, self-confidence, touch, feeling, recognition, and empower their creativity in the most active developmental ages.

Children will try to match another object to which the objects are linked. They will learn many new objects and words and will improve their ability to relate objects.