Science Worksheets, Animals – The Life Cycle of Frogs

The Life Cycle of Frogs

We all see frogs living in ponds, streams, and lakes around us. When tadpoles hatch, they don’t look like adult frogs at all. Tadpoles hatch in water. The tadpole that emerges from the egg has a long tail with some features that allow it to live in water and fins that help it take oxygen from the water before metamorphosis. With metamorphosis, the frog’s structure changes and it becomes a creature suitable for living on land. During the transition to land in water, the frog’s tail shortens, its legs begin to form and its lungs begin to develop.

Stages of the Life Cycle of Frogs;

1) Egg: The mother frog lays her eggs in the water. The eggs are covered with a membrane-like layer. The eggs hatch in 3 to 25 days, depending on the temperature of the water.

2) Tadpole: They do not look like frogs with big heads and long tails. They look more like fish. They can breathe underwater with their gills.

3) Froglet: Frogs start to look like frogs during this period. Its front and hind legs come out. Its tail begins to shorten and disappear. At this stage, lungs are formed instead of gills.

4) Adult frog: All these processes are completed and the frog takes on the appearance we know. Since his lungs are formed, he can now breathe and roam easily on land.

The frog completes its life cycle by going through these phases and changes.