Reading Ability, Reading Comprehension Skills #2

There is a strong positive link between reading and writing skills, which play a role in lifelong learning, and individual development. For this reason, reading and writing have always been at the focal point throughout the education life of the students, together with the primary school years.

Reading is one of the most basic ways of acquiring knowledge today. Writing is a means of expressing feelings, thoughts, and impressions. Because of their importance, these two activities are the most basic means of gaining acceptance and a place in society. A person’s success in life is equivalent to the quality of his literacy skills to some extent.

Thus, the quality of the literacy skills that we will teach our children has key importance. We can no longer say that simply learning how to read and write is enough. The literacy skill that we will gain to the child should be reading “fast, correct, understanding and comprehending” and enjoying what he reads, in other words, a “critical” reading, and a thorough, smooth writing education. Here, parents play a great role in supporting the child’s reading ability and helping teachers.

Reading Skills #3