Category: SCIENCE
We perceive our environment through our sense organs. We have five senses. These are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Our senses and emotions are different. Fear and joy …
Oceans The large and deep bodies of water that remain in the great spaces between the continents are called oceans. The oceans are the vast, open seas that separate …
Why is Recycling Important for Our Environment? By recycling, we protect both nature and our resources. We can use our natural resources such as water, forest, mines, and oil, …
Why is Recycling Important for Our Environment? By recycling, we protect both nature and our resources. We can use our natural resources such as water, forest, mines, and oil, …
ACTIVITIES, Environment, G1-Activities, G1-Matching, GRADE 1, K-Activities, K-Environment, K-Matching, K-Science, KINDERGARTEN, Matching, SCIENCE
Shadow Matching Activity with Recycling Symbols Why is Recycling Important for Our Environment? By recycling, we protect both nature and our resources. We can use our natural resources such …
ACTIVITIES, Coloring, Foods, G1-Coloring, G1-Plants, G1-Science, GRADE 1, K-Coloring, K-Foods, K-Science, KINDERGARTEN, Plants, SCIENCE
What is a Fruit? The part of the plant that contains the seeds and can be eaten raw is called the fruit. According to the botanical definition, a fruit …
We all see frogs living in ponds, streams, and lakes around us. When tadpoles hatch, they don’t look like adult frogs at all. Tadpoles hatch in water. The tadpole …
We all see frogs living in ponds, streams, and lakes around us. When tadpoles hatch, they don’t look like adult frogs at all. Tadpoles hatch in water. The tadpole …
When we look around us, we see many different kinds of animals. Some animals are kept at home, some live outside, and some are found on farms or in …
When we look around us, we see many different kinds of animals. Some animals are kept at home, some live outside, and some are found on farms or in …