Measurements, Learning Length Measurements -Worksheet #3 (cm)

When you examine the things around us, you can see that their heights are not the same. Some assets are very long, while others can be shorter. This also applies to humans. When you compare your heights, you see that your heights are different. We use different length measures to measure your height.

We indicate the height differences of the assets with the tall-short comparison. When comparing the heights of two beings, we call one tall and the other short. When comparing more than two entities, we add “most” or “more”. So we say the longest or the shorter.

Measuring with a Tall vs. Short Comparison

The sizes of living things in nature and the objects we see around us are not the same. For example, among animals, giraffes and zebras do not have the same height. The same is true among humans. When you take a look at a classroom, some of the children are of equal height, some of them are tall and some of them are short. Here, we use the words long and short to compare the sizes of living and nonliving things in nature.

Non-Standard Measurements

We usually measure the lengths and heights of living and nonliving things we see around us with meters and rulers. Thus, we say “it is this long” for the thing we are measuring. But in some cases, if we don’t have a meter or ruler with us, we use different measurement methods.

To measure the entities and objects around us; we use measurement methods such as fathom, step, foot, span, finger. These measurements vary from person to person, as everyone’s hands, feet, and strides are of different lengths. For this reason, we call such measurements non-standard measurements. Let’s briefly introduce these measurement tools;

Fathom; It is the measure of the length from the tip of the middle finger of one hand to the tip of the middle finger of the other hand when we open both our arms to the side.

Step; It is the distance between two feet while walking. You can measure the length of a path, distance, carpet, inside the classroom by taking normal steps.

Foot; It is a measurement of the length of your foot from your toe to your heel. For example, you can measure the length of your classroom or room in feet.

Span; It is the measurement made by the distance between two things when you fully extend your little finger and thumb. With this measurement, you can measure objects such as doors, tables, desks, televisions.

Finger; It is the measurement you make with your index finger. Rather, you can use it to measure small objects such as pens, notebooks, books. You put your thumb on the starting point of the object and put your other thumb on the opposite side. Thus, you measure the length by placing your fingers in order until the endpoint of the object.

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