It is a must to know the multiplication table, which is the basis of four operations, by heart to solve mathematical problems in a practical and fast way. We have compiled some tricks that will help your child to be successful in the lessons and will easily remember the multiplication table memorization technique.Â
Students who begin learning mathematics may have problems in learning the multiplication table, which will be needed not only in their education life but also in their later daily life, even after school is over. A student who does not know the multiplication table will be unsuccessful in solving mathematical problems because she cannot perform four operations.
Such incomplete infrastructures, which will negatively affect the academic life of the child in the future, may lead to staying away from the course. While the ability to make operations in the mind provides a lot of convenience to daily life, poor memorization that causes some wrong remembering while making calculations can bring undesirable situations. You can start to break your child’s preconceptions about mathematics by teaching the multiplication tables in easy ways.Â
The table you see above also appears as the ‘Pythagorean table’. If you want to teach your child the multiplication table in the best way, you can teach the multiplication table easily with this table.
Why is the Pythagorean Table More Effective?
- This table does not impose memorization on children, it teaches them to think.
- It helps the child to grasp the numbers of necessity.
- Only children with strong memory can memorize long math formulas. However, if the Pythagorean table is used, he has to memorize less information.
- The human brain easily perceives symmetry. This method allows children to learn multiplication more easily and faster.
The main purpose in the table is to see the number patterns by themselves. Thus, the child can keep the information he finds in his memory longer.
Quick and Easy Methods to Memory a Multiplication Table?
Teaching the multiplication tables from 1 to 9 should first start from 1s. While teaching 1s in the multiplication table, the child should be taught that the number 1 is an ineffective element, so that the number itself will come out no matter which number is multiplied. Starting from 1, the multiplication table in the form of 2s, 3s, 4s should be written and read aloud every day. At the last stage, the multiplication table should be written and read collectively. The more it is repeated, the faster the child will grasp it and thus the brain will learn easily.
You can find out if he really learned the multiplication table by asking him in a mixed order. The most important point to note here is that it’s not about memorizing the multiplication table, it’s about understanding the basics of the multiplication table.
Download the Pythagorean Table for free at HERE
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